Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Dad Part 3: Who made you God?

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I stumbled across the streets, colliding with trash bins and parked cars.  My head spun out of control but not because of the alcohol I had consumed, no, that I relished in.   It was anger, hatred, and loathing for that creature that created me.  I began to run, run as fast as I could from the torment that consumed my mind.  My shoes began to tear apart at the soles as they were not designed to travel at those speeds.  It was the spell of madness I was under that fueled my legs to run faster than any man had in the city of Los Angeles.  I could not stop myself and I began to worry that if my acceleration picked up any further I might not survive the night.

A greenish fog began to creep up from the sewers and the shrieking of the C.H.U.D.s could be heard by even the most adamant deniers.  My feet, blessed by lightning took their final step when they collided with what appeared to be a log.  My body soared through the air like a bat and met the pavement with a sickening crash.  Glass shattered and bourbon flooded the streets.  My sweet, sweet  reserve that I had kept in my inner jacket pocket had met a heinous end. I pressed my face and tongue against  the cement and with my bloody hands tried to shovel the liquid into my mouth.  "Why? Why now of all times must I endure such tragedy?"

I laid motionless in the moonlight.  Rats scurried past me and worms tried to nest in my beard. "What the fuck was that?" I shouted to the tomb of a city. I pulled myself up off the ground and examined my injuries.  My jeans had been ripped about the knees and I began to fume until I realized they were already like that. "Ugh,... my legs" the log groaned. I walked under the street lamps towards the voice.  It smelled like piss and cheese, but slightly worse.  I lunged at what I now realized was a man and with both of my hands extended like the undead I grabbed at his shirt collar. 

"Do you realized what you've done?"  I yelled, shaking the vagrant violently by his jean jacket.  

He whined incoherently and let out a gaseous cough.  Yellow and green particles dissolved within my nasal passage and I stepped away with my palm pressed against my forehead.  Dizzily, I lowered one knee to the pavement and slowly rolled into the gutter. 

Time began to slip away as it had before.  I grabbed on to the curb, trying to push myself up but my hand seemed to melt into the concrete.  Repressed memories flooded my cortex, unwilling to be subdued any longer.  My eyes crept into the back of my skull and my body convulsed against the black pavement.   Flashes of White light disrupted my vision as I soared through a sea of gas. I traveled through the nauseating tunnel at unearthly speeds when suddenly, I dropped.  My body twisted, struggling for equilibrium as I fell through the abyss.  It seemed like I would fall through this dark chasm forever when my consciousness slammed into the mind of my former prepubescent body   Coughing echoed all around me and I quickly rubbed my eyes trying to clear my blurry vision.

"Shoo, Shoo, get away!"

The memory came flooding back as I heard my Dad's wretched voice yelling at the oncoming homeless men.  His legs began to quiver and the shakes ran all the way up to his glasses.  His neck veins bulged with blood, ripping his turtleneck.  All things wicked and of disgust had formed inside of him and I was the only one who knew the terror that would soon unfold. 

I tried to warn them, "No, you mustn't"  but they did not listen.  They kept coming forward like the living dead.  They extended their hands asking my father for change and with a glint  in his eye he struck them down one by one. 

 "Shoo, Shoo!  You're a Pest!  Get away!  Stop bothering everyone! "

Mothers covered their children's ears as the homeless men recoiled in fright.  They pushed and clawed at each other trying to get away.  

"Who made you God?"  one of them was brave enough to ask.  

"God? God!  DAD made God!! HaHaHa!  

He turned his head behind him like a bullwhip, staring at my friend, Chris and I.  Chris ran away in complete terror screaming over and over again "It's not True!  It's not True!" My Dad's face turned bright red, resembling a supernova.  Solar flares tried to escape his toxic core but were only pulled back into his radiating anger.  He sweated profusely, spinning his body out of control, screaming his onslaught at the vagrants.  Those still left behind were now running away in tears at the horror inflicted upon them.  

"Shoo! Shoo!  Get away! Shoo!"  My father was relentless, totally unable to calm himself down.  Foam dripped from the corner of his mouth and collected in his beard.  His sickly grin suggested  that he received some kind of demented gratification from the incident.  I searched everywhere for an escape but found no sanctuary.  He began to make his way towards me and with nowhere to go I collapsed into the gutter.  I laid there helpless, in complete submission as he came forward.  His giant frame stood above me blocking out the entire sky so that no light reached me.

Hands rummaged through my pockets as I laid in the gutter.  My nose was filled with the stench of urine, reviving me like a smelling salt. My eyes came into focus and I watched the homeless man limp away with my wallet, vanishing into the night like a waning moon.  I was slow to gather my senses, completely exhausted from my repressed memories.  I had no money and no way home.  My mind was drained, unable to produce any thoughts but somehow I managed to seat my body on the curb.  I sat there, staring at the blue street reflectors as cars raced by leaving trails of red light behind them.  

Time slowly passed and the night was relentless in its domination of the day.  I had not moved and had not thought.  I was completely vacant, unable to come back to sentient life.

A black SUV stopped before me.  The windows were rolled down and I could hear two female voices.

"Oh, do you see that guy lets go talk to him."  Said one of the women with excited curiosity.

Her friend looked over at me from the passenger seat.  Worry took over her face as she saw my blood and alcohol stained body.

 "I don't know if thats a good idea.  He's just sitting there in the gutter".  

The driver became irritated with friends prudish ways and pointed at me, "Who cares? look at him, he's hot!" 

Her friend glanced at me once more with hesitation.  "Yeah I know, but what's that thing around his neck it looks like some kind of evil symbol?"

Her fear fed my body and I lifted myself off the curb. 

"It's the symbol of the necronomicon" I told them as I opened the car door and got into the back.  

to be continued.....